Saturday, September 30

Back to reality

I've just come back from my journey to Hungary and Slovakia. I had a great time in both countries. Why do all the pleasant things in life end so quickly?
Here I am back to reality... For the beginning I got to know that my best friend who was supposed to go to London came back to his drug addiction. He started to take hard drugs once again after almost a year of abstinence. He's no more the person I loved so much. He's like a shadow of the man that he used to be. I hate situations that you can do nothing about. I hate being helpless. I hate to see how he's slowly killing himself. In my previous post I wrote that my heart is breaking cause he's taking a part of it with him, I've changed my mind - my heart is slowly vanishing, probably because a part of it is dying together with M.
Helplessness - the worst feeling of all.

Tuesday, September 12

He's leaving...

My best friend has just come back from London after spending 3 months there. I couldn't wait to see him. I missed him so much. These were the longest 3 months in my whole life. And when I could finally hug him and feel safe in his arms again... he told me that he's leaving for a year. He wants to give up his studies and go to London to earn some money. What can I say? That's his decision and I have no right to ask him to change his mind. But the truth is that I can't imagine my life and my studies without him here. I can imagine some of you thinking "come on, he's just a friend"- but he's not one of many people that I call 'friends'. He's the only one who is always there for me and whom I really trust. I'm almost sure that after another 12 months spent in England he won't come back to us. I mean- he'll have his house, job, friends (and all that stuff people need) there, in London. I feel terrible... I feel like I'm losing someone very special. I feel that all the precious people and things are gradually taken away from me. I don't want to wake up one morning and realize that I have no one and nothing left to get me through another day. I feel my heart breaking - I guess that's because he's taking a part of it with him... for ever...

Wednesday, September 6


Nastepny dobry psychotest... Niestety tylko w wersji dla poslugujacych sie jezykiem polskim...
oto link:

Monday, September 4


I just hope that all the feelings that I have for this one man do not get lost somewhere in space but reach him... (no matter where he is or what he does) and whisper gently in his ear " someone loves you"...

Friday, September 1

United 93

USA, September 11, 2001. Four planes were hijacked. Three of them reached their target. This is the story of the fourth...

"United 93", a film by Paul Greengrass, is a real time account of the events of United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on 09/11 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania when foiled the terrorist plot. I've just come back from the cinema. I didn't suspect that it would be so shocking... I mean- I heard this story more than once and thought that it won't make me hold my breath. But it did.
It's a very realistic, emotionally-packed story based on available facts such as the last recordings from the pilot cabin and the telephone calls made by the passangers. Meanwhile, we can see the ATC's ineffective efforts to deal with the situation. The tension is constantly building up and does not subside till you go out of the cinema and walk a few metres.
I know that there are thousands of films similar to this one with exactly the same plot outline, but the fact that we know it really did happened changes the perspective. There's no voice in your head echoing "it's just a fiction". No, not this time.

Paul Greengrass very thoroughly shows us a clash of 2 different religions. All the passangers pray, we can hear them saying "Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name; the kingdom come....", but at the same time the young Arabians hijack tha plane, kill people and lead to the catastrophe in the name of their god. They address him all the time and till the last moment they believe that he wanted them to do that. Incomprehensible, even for practicing believers of different religions, how can a man sacrifice his and other people's lives for the sake of god who demands such an act from you?! The film makes you to think about it...

And there's one thing more that I won't ever forget - this piercing silence after the last subtitles.
No one even said a word while leaving the cinema. Unusual. Terrifying. Moving.